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Oxford Round Table Symposiums 

Forum on Public Policy Journal

Manuscript Submission 

There are three criteria applied for the review and selection of articles for publication. First, articles must advance knowledge, theory, and practice. Second, the articles must be accurate and technically competent. Third, the articles must be well written, clear, well organized, and stylistically correct.

A manuscript submitted for publication to the Oxford Round Table Symposiums must be original and not under consideration for any other publication. When and if a manuscript is approved for publication it becomes the property of the Oxford Round Table Symposium which, thereafter, possesses exclusive right to publication. All authors will be required to sign a consent to publish form upon acceptance.


Editorial style: APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Word count: 5000-10000 words, excluding references, graphs, figures and tables.

E-mail is the accepted method of submission. We do not accept paper copies.

Author’s responsibilities: If the manuscript is accepted for publication, all graphs and illustrative materials must be provided in camera-ready form by the author and be free of copyright from any third party. Specifications will be sent to the author upon acceptance.

Manuscripts submitted to the Oxford Round Table Symposium are processed as follows.

Papers submitted will be read and evaluated by external peer reviewers. Once the paper is approved by the outside readers, the paper will then be published in our Journal. If the manuscript does not fall within the scope of interests of the Oxford Round Table Symposiums or is not formatted according to APA Style it will be returned to the author for editing.

If a manuscript is in accord with the guidelines, an e-mail acknowledgment is sent to the author. For the blind peer review, all references to the author’s name and affiliation will be removed and the manuscript will be submitted for review to two or more members of the Editorial Advisory Board or other external reviewers. With the advice of the reviewers, the Editor will make one of four decisions: accept, accept contingent upon revision, revise and resubmit, or reject. In the case of conditional acceptance, the Editor will specify the necessary revisions in writing to the author. In the case of a request for revision and resubmission, the Editor will suggest or specify revisions in writing to the author. Upon resubmission, the manuscript will be treated as a new manuscript and will be submitted to the same blind review as the initial process. Manuscripts which have been rejected will not be returned to the author.

Manuscripts submitted cannot be under consideration for publication by the author or other journals. If a paper has been presented at a meeting or conference, the author should state where and when the paper was presented. After acceptance, a manuscript or any portion of a paper may not be published elsewhere without written approval of the Oxford Round Table Symposium.

If a manuscript is accepted, the author will be notified and given an indication of the volume and issue of the selected journal in which it will be published. All submissions of manuscripts must be in electronic form.

Author Processing Charges:
Oxford Round Table delegates: $0
Other submissions: $699 - payable upon acceptance of manuscript for publication

Manuscripts submitted must be grammatically correct and stylistically consistent. See:

APA 7th edition Style and Grammar Guidelines
APA Manuscript Components

Word count: 5000-10000 words, excluding references, graphs, figures and tables.

Only documents prepared in Word will be accepted. We do not accept PDF files. Please ensure your manuscript is in Times New Roman, 11 point. Copy should be single-spaced with margins of 1" at top, bottom, and both sides and justified. There should be no hyphenated words on line endings; no printed borders; and no numbered line indicators on the left margin. The manuscript should not have any headers. Page numbering should be in the footer in the right margin and the title page should not be numbered.

Your paper should include these four major sections:

Title Page-Abstract-Main Body-References

Title Page:
Title of Paper
The Author (s) Full Name
Intuitional Affiliation
Email Address
Statement of Place and Date of Presentation

On the first line of the page, center the word “Abstract” (but do not include quotation marks).
On the following line, write a summary of the key points of your research. Your abstract summary is a way to introduce readers to your research topic, the questions that will be answered, the process you took, and any findings or conclusions you drew.

On a new page, write your references:

Center and bold the title “References” (do not include quotation marks, underline, or italicize this title)
Alphabetize all entries
Every article/source mentioned in the paper and used in your study should be referenced and have an entry

Email your paper to:

Papers are not due until after the session so you have time to make additions or changes based upon the feedback of the participants.


Papers are not due until after the session so you have time to make additions or changes based upon the feedback of the participants.

2025 Sessions:

Spring Paper Due Date: June 15, 2025

Summer Paper Due Date: September 15, 2025

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