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Notable Alumni

The Oxford Round Table Symposiums has served as a platform for discussion and advancement attracting some of the brightest minds and leaders in the industry.


Among its esteemed alumni are individuals who have gone on to make significant contributions to the education landscape, shaping policies and practices that impact educational institutions worldwide. From groundbreaking research to influential advocacy, these alumni have left an indelible mark in education.


As alumni of the Oxford Round Table Symposium, they continue to leverage their experiences and insights to drive positive change in their respective fields, embodying the Symposium's commitment to excellence, innovation, and equity in education. Their achievements stand as a testament to education and the enduring impact of collaborative dialogue and engagement encouraged by the Oxford Round Table Symposium.

Please note that it was very difficult to select a few alumni from our list of 12,000 notable and important alumni members!

Celebrating 35 years!
A few of our Notable Alumni 

Joshua Akol
Vice Chancellor, Upper Nile University


Abdulla Bin Al-Khulaifi
President, University of Qatar, Qatar

Victor Arredondo
Rector, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico

Elizabeth Ashton
President, Camosun College, Canada

Don Atkin
Vice Chancellor And President,

University Of Canberra, Australia

Naima Balic
Senior Advisor And First Deputy of Culture And Education, Croatia

David T. Barnard
President And Vice Chancellor, University of Regina, Canada

Harold Bassford
President, University College of The Fraser Valley, Canada

Sandy Bockaire
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Sierra Leone, Sierra Leone

Vera Boltho
Head of Division for Higher Education and Research, France

Hank Brown
President, University of Northern Colorado, United States

A.K. Azad Chowdhury
Vice Chancellor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ian Clark
President, Council of Ontario Universities, Canada

Lattie Coor
President, Arizona State University, United States

Jerry Covey
Commissioner Of Education, Alaska

 United States

Peter Cressy
Chancellor, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, United States

Jeanette Daines
President, Minnesota State College and University System, United States

James R. Davis
President, Lehigh Carbon Community College, United States

K.P. Dzvimbo
Vice Chancellor, Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe

Thomas W. Evans

Chairman of The Board

Teachers College

Columbia University, United States


Victor Gaisyonok

Former Minister of Education,

Republic of Belarus


Booth Gardner

Governor, State of Washington,

United States


Mohammad Garrar

Rector, Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia

Frederick Gilbert

President And Vice Chancellor,

Lakehead University, Canada


Judith Gill

Chancellor, Massachusetts Board of Higher Education, United States


G. Wade Gilley

President, Marshall University, United States

James A.R. Johnson

Director, Government Affairs, Apple Computers, Inc., United States


Anibal Yazbeck Jozami

Principal, Universidad Nacional De Tres De Febrero, Argentina

Michael Kemp
Leslie Kilmartin

Pro Vice Chancellor, La Trobe University, Australia

Robert J. Kopecek
President, Northampton Community College, United States

Judith L. Kuipers
President, Fielding Graduate Institute, United States

Markku Lahtinen
Rector, Tampere University Of Applied Sciences  Finland

Norbert Lammert
Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Minister Of Education, Germany

Adena Loston
President, San Jacinto College South, United States

Clara Lovett
President, Northern Arizona University, United States

Joe E. Lutjeharms
Commissioner, Nebraska Department Of Education, United States

Edward Mallory
President, University Of Notre Dame, United States

Mario Armando Mena
Rector, University Of Morón, Argentina

Kenneth J. Minnaert
President, South Puget Sound Community College, United States

William Muse
President, Auburn University, United States

Stephen Nielsen
Executive Director, Washington State School Association, Washington, United States

Muxe Nkondo
Vice-Chancellor And Principal, University Of Venda, South Africa

Robert Northoff
Rector, Neubrandenburg University Of Applied Sciences, Germany

Mary O'Kane
Vice-Chancellor, The University Of Adelaide, South Australia

Gilberto Rivera Ortiz
Majority Leader, Puerto Rico


Lars Pallesen

Rector, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Gerardo Della Paolera
Rector, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Argentina

Paul Parker

State Representative, United States


Elizabeth Parr-Johnston

President And Vice Chancellor, University Of New Brunswick, Canada


David L. Potter

President, George Mason University, United States


Seppo Pynna

Rector, Satakunta University Of Applied Sciences


Froilan C. Tenorio

Governor, Commonwealth Of The Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan


Simeon Achinewhu

Vice Chancellor, Rivers State University Of Science And Technology, Nigeria


Ivan Addae-Mensah

Vice Chancellor, University Of Ghana, Ghana

Masayuki Akiyama
Standing Trustee For International Affairs, Nihon University, Japan

Paul Thomas
Vice Chancellor, University Of The Sunshine Coast, Australia

Juan Tobias
President, University Of El Salvador, Argentina

Tang-Kuang Tseng
President, Chaoyang University Of Technology, Taiwan

Marc Tucker
President, National Center On Education And The Economy, United States

Jan G.F. Veldhuis
President, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Kenneth P. Walker
President, Edison State College (Formerly Edison Community College), United States

Berny Wiens
Chair, Board Of Governors, University Of Regina, Canada

Wallace G. Wilkinson
Governor, State Of Kentucky, United States

Thomas Wood
President, Mount Royal University (Formerly Mount Royal College), Canada

Jiri Zlatuska
Rector, Masaryk University, Czech Republic

John J. Shanahan
President, Moraine Park Technical College, United States

Mohamed Ali Shohaieb
Vice President, Cairo University, Egypt

Alfred Steinherr
Rector, Free University Of Bolzano, Italy

Derrick Swartz
President, University Of Fort Hare, South Africa

Ryszard Tadeusiewicz
Rector, Agh University Of Science And Technology (University Of Mining And Metallurgy), Poland

Mamuka Tavkhelidze
Rector, Grigol Robakidze University, Georgia

Martine Hammond-Paludan
Executive Director, New Jersey Commission For Higher Education, United States

Steve Heyneman
World Bank, Washington D.C., United States

Oyewusi Ibidapo-Obe
Vice Chancellor, University Of Lagos, Nigeria

John Ihalauw
Rector, Satya Wacana Christian University, Indonesia

Edison O. Jackson
President, Medgar Evers College, United States

Sulaiman Jassim
President, Higher Colleges Of Technology, United Arab Emirates

Ali M.A. Rachman
Rector, University Of Jambi, Indonesia

Karl Raivio
Rector, University Of Helsinki, Finland





US Address:

80 Surfview Drive

Suite 503

Palm Coast, Florida 32137

United States

Shenette Alexander, Director

Dr. Judith McConnell Mikkelson, Coordinator | Facilitator

Dr. Andrew Boyle, Coordinator | Facilitator 

London Address:

207 Regent Street, 3rd Floor

London W1B 3HH
United Kingdom

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